Saturday, January 28, 2006


Why do we celebrate every new year the same old boring way? Cny is a mundane annual chore it's not even worth mentioning.

I think heaven is overrated. It's just the obvious choice when the alternative is hell. I don't even believe in eternal happiness. I mean it'll take me a few years to get bored and then what. Besides, life would be meaningless if it lasts for eternity. Nobody would make the best of each moment. I'd rather an orgasm that lasts some seconds.

I wonder if God would ever make you lose everything just so you'll turn to him.

And I was thinking as well, what if God doesn't do the right things all the time. Even if he screws up, we'll never know because he has cleverly created this illusion that God doesn't make mistakes and that everything we don't understand or deem ridiculous is part of this even bigger plan that serves an even higher purpose. What if the person in question doesn't want this higher purpoes to be achieved? That would make God a fucking dictator wouldn't it?

A certain someone once wrote "I think God overestimated himself in creating man"

I'm in the mood for poetry

Smile into the mirror
You see a three dollar bill
cold as the braces
covering your teeth

Turn the other cheek
I wonder what that means
to hide what is shown
or to reveal what is not

Under the blanket
Behind the curtain
Where art thou?
where thou art

Whenever you're ready
I'll take the cue
Nice and steady
Whenever it's due
I'll say hey stranger

How impossible is it for one to live each day to better himself whilst living among people who remember who you were the day before.


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