Monday, December 26, 2005


how often do we forget that the most important part of christmas is in the first 6 letters?

It's my first christmas spent at church. I thought it was okay, nothing too fantastic though. the festive period started on the 23rd I think when the musical was screened for the first time. Went with chong U, carmen and trixia and most of the time I was figuring how to fall asleep in the small congested space which could make simply anybody claustrophobic. It then really made my day when I was making my way through the absolutely singaporean crowd outside the church when the musical ended. I don't like the adult congregation of this church. I never have. They are just such singaporeans, rushing for the refreshments, pushing and shoving and just being a major inconvenience to others. I think this is one thing really that we could correct in our generation and not let it pass on and on.

Basically christmas was a bitch on the 23rd.

Christmas eve turned out much better and I really enjoyed giving out chocolates. People in church are just more appreciative of things and they make you want to give them stuff. The 24th was much better because the bulk of the congregation was made up of youths. plus I missed half the musical while at some family dinner. I've rown to respect my uncle a lot, the way he's brought his children up. In my opinion it's a miracle from God if a parent is able to bring up his children without imposing his own ideals and principles on them and having them turn out as good people. My parents didn't have this gift and I'm thankful sometimes for my rebellious nature because otherwise I would have fallen into a personality which isn't at all mine. by the way the turkey was good.

Some of us slept over at ephraim's place and we were up all night talking about a lot of things. Cell issues mainly and I'm kind of relieved that I could vomit a lot that I've been keeping inside; out. being in a cell group is a commitment to bonding with people. And needless to say it implies having to communicate with people. For us as blessed non-mutes we usually do that with our mouths. You don't bond without talking. It just doesn't happen, if you can establish a bonding that doesn't involve using your mouths(don't get me wrong), it must be mutual lust and plain horniness. Even mutes use sign language.

Some days ago I came across the slogan of our country's police force on one of the mrt signboards. Be extraordinary. Really, what the fuck(in an amusing way). It's so pathetic. Think about it. We all know nobody wants to be a police officer, at least not after you past the age of like 7 and realise you don't get to shoot and kill baddies day in day out, not to mention your parents keeping you well-informed on the proper ambitions you should be having. So what the hell, be extraordinary?! In a bad way yes. I wonder if the people in it actually buy this nonsense. They have to be extraordinarily stupid to do so. ok end of me being a bastard and pointing out how the lower occupations in singapore are giving themselves self-comfort.

Speaking of slogans, here's the new slogan for procrastination. 5 minutes more.


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