Wednesday, November 09, 2005

fa ru xue

wah I love that song, it's by jay chou by the way. And I've been downloading old hits by M2M recently. marion Raven sounded so different and so girly back then, totally different from her recent album. And I wonder what happened to the brunette.

Right, so I've got my OP first thing in the morning tmr. My group's the first so I guess there's not much time for mental preparations. Of course I'm hoping I'll do a good job and set the standard high for the groups to follow. I didn't even really rehearse my speech, I did a tiny bit of preparation though. I've always been better at giving things impromptu and I'm counting on that to work out for me tmr as well.

Haven't really been able to get down to studying, training and outings have been taking up so much of my time. Not just the activities themselves but the time required to catch up on sleep because of htem. It's been a boring week with no champions' league football.

A new coach is coming to look at the team on friday, do I want him? I'm for him. I realised that the people who have been getting regular first team places aren't really for him. Can't blame me for thinking that they want the old coach because he favours them. Contrastingly, those who haven't been really in favour are totally for the new coach, unsaid by most, but mainly because it's a second chance to make that valuable first impression. Though I don't know here they are gonna get the money to pay off the old coach's contract, but it'll be great to have a more passionate coach for a change.

If people don't receive you well, i think you should try to befriend and hang out with them but only until a point where beyond that you appear desperate to them. I think I've reached that point with some people and well I've put in my fair share of effort I have no problems answering to myself.

I'm looking forward to church this weekend, no particular reason though.


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