Tuesday, October 25, 2005

oreo cheesecake

is simply orgasmic.

So I stayed home today. in other words ponned school. Finished up season 2 of one tree hill and I can't wait for season 3. In my opinion this is the best high school drama ever.So i went on to Band of Brothers which is really good too even after only two episodes and I realised how wrong i was to think that my studying war literature would make the show any less enjoyable. Having the guy from FRIENDS(Ross) act in a war serial is really weird though you just keep expecting him to say something funny here and there. So there i've been entertaining myself with dvds, can't imagine life without them.

John F Kennedy once said that the courage of life is a mixture of triumph and tragedy, I'm starting to think maybe i'm living the tragedy part all at once right now. Moderated results will be out tmr, it's not exactly within my control so no point worrying I guess.

Met ephraim for lunch today and I read a book while he studied at mac. A bunch of irritating primary school kids came in and it was so funny just sitting there and listening to them. They were on the topic of babies, okay I know this is too cliche and classic to be not plucked out of some local drama but it's true, they were talking about where babies came from. the theory was that sperms carried oxygen and the babies in the eggs stated breathing. Yes I was sprawled all over the table especially with the little kid's matter-of-fact tone in place.

The year's coming to an end, I've been thinking so much has changed since I left RV and entered AC. For some good and a lot of worse. It's interesting when you recall some thoughts and opinions you had of people at the start of the year and compare it to those you have at present. how things you would never expect have happened and then think of all the different what if scenarios. What if I had been in another class what if i haven't quit CF, what if I haven't met so and so and what I would do without so and so etc etc and at the end of the day agree with the voice at the back of your head reminding you how time's a bitch that never turns back and you just gotta continue on the road you've picked at one point in time or another. Wouldn't it be nice to have save points in life like in RPG games? You could always load and go back to where you started and take the alternative path. it would be nice but oh well I'm happy with the way life is teaching me things this way, not like I have a choice but for the record I'm happy with learning from choices.

Yesterday a friend told me how looks are nearly everything when looking for a steady or whatever and asked me "wouldn't you go for a pretty girl instead of a not so pretty one?" I mean yes i would because appearance is a big part of first impressions but it never has and never will outweigh traits like say having a brain once second and third impressions have been put in place. In fact I've grown to find intelligence, not in an academic sense but sort of like ability to rationalise, very attractive. Kind of glad AC is full of pretty girls coz it makes looks less outstanding and easier to look past.

So I'm off to enjoy the rest of my night before the tragic result slip comes tmr.


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