Thursday, December 01, 2005


What's wrong with not wanting to open up? Freedom of communication is a right and it doesn't always refer to the right to speak up, taking a closer look, it should actually refer to the choice to speak up. So there is obviously a negative part of that where we have the right to not express ourselves. Nobody is obliged to embrace anyone into his or her life be it family or classmate or churchmate whatever. Obligation never fails to put down the pleasure of choice in doing something. Maybe that is why sometimes we open up easier to strangers and people we don't cross paths with, meaning they're not in your social circle. Because we're not obliged to open up to them there's a lot more joy doing it.

Misunderstood, this would encourage cliques, but it's not what I'm saying. The world would be a better place if people stopped thinking that we're obliged to lower the drawgate to every one of our neighbours and actually start making smart choices. It sucks for you if you're an anti-social introverted fuck-up but that's the way life is people don't have to pity u and befriend u.

So I visited elsa again for lunch when her in-charge was away so we had a lot more time to roam around ntu. We wandered into NIE and there happened to be some exhibition. We pretended to be part of it and ate for free at the buffet lol. Then we attended some tour in this classroom of the future thingy. Basically it's this room that looks plucked out of The Jetsons and you're so connected to everything and everybody all the time, on the train, at home etc.

This insane level of connection will only cause the earth to revolve faster and more people to break down due to stress levels but it is quite inevitable in my opinion given this highly competitive world. The people at NIE seemed quite honoured that 2 jc students wearing school t-shirts actually graced their event haha. We got a free t-shirt too. Quite worth the trip down if u ask me with the freebie and lunch.


Anonymous Phillip said...

I am an introvert, and the reason for my introversion is precisely because of uninteresting, simple and narrow-minded people like yourself. It doesn't mean that I'm neccessarily unable to socialize, in fact, people tend to think I'm a wonderful person when I do. However, it is tiring. When you learn how to think, then the human masses ultimately become a boring and sad bunch. Unlike my mind, which is a creative sandbox of thoughts.

3:53 AM  

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