Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The common man

People follow two things. Fear and courage. More often than not the former. People follow fear because it's part of our primal instincts to keep ourselves safe from whatever threatens. People follow courage because they want to be part of something they know they would never have enough guts to pull off on their own. Humans are really prigs, wanting to keep safe yet at the same time wanting to achieve things which involve risks. Anyway so great leaders aren't actually just those who are extremely brave, or those who are benovelent beyond benovelent but actually those who can wield courage and make people fear them at the same time. I mean that's how you get most people to follow you. In my opinion Caesar was a great leader and hitler was quite a fuck-up.

Yeah I thought of this because I watched braveheart recently, I think Mel Gibson made a masterpiece out of this story. The one other movie I've watched more times than this was Armagaddon and I think it was only because of the good soundtrack.

Goodness I do look forward to the march holidays. I need that one week break as hell.


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