Thursday, April 06, 2006

hook line and sinker

I think I've taken them all and I simply can't believe it.

In so much of my life now I've hit the point where the only direction you can move is upwards. It's painfully liberating come to think of it, having nothing to lose anymore.

I used to want to prove people wrong a lot, people who really didn't matter at all. Teachers, parents etc. Ultimately, these people are but spectators to a life which only you are actually living out so whatever they say and whatever expectations they have of you aren't important at all. All that matters is answering to yourself. Plus I feel insulted if I could ever allow these insignificant spectators to be a part of my motivation to do well just because they've said somethings which make me want to prove them wrong. Besides, if you and God were the only two people whom you were ultimately held accountable to, life should be a lot less stressful too.

Of courese we all know that that isn't entirely feasible, we do have friends whom we would like being accountable to and I think what differentiates them from teachers and parents is that they go through the same shit we go through everyday. This makes them more than just mere spectators, they become people who can actually help us in a practical way even if it's just to provide the support and comfort we get from knowing we are all in this together.

So I was wondering, If someone set out to defame God by saying he is not capable of mercy, would he end up in heaven?


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