Monday, August 08, 2005

eat and sleep

that about sums up my day kinda fucking boring day with the most exciting thing being the simpsons.

Oh well I rather this than be in school celebrating national day sheesh like there's anything to be happy about. I watched discovery channel just now and saw this programme about space colonies and how we are all gonna live in space in the future. The colonies are like big bubbles which are supposed to be self sufficient for some long period of time. I didn't know that such an experiment had actually gone on in a certain desert on earth where people lived in this enclosed space. it's kinda interesting too when they say they'd bring animals and insects into space too so it's like shipping mother nature too. Too bad we'll all be long dead before we will get to experience such cool stuff. I bet by that time they'll be like talking about earth like some loser slums area like "oh my god i watched a show about people who lived on earth last time I totally laughed my ass off i mean they never got to see stars up close" hahaha oh well

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