Monday, November 21, 2005


I think it's a great thing to give. It kind of occured to me when I told people things like "hey you did the right thing" and saw how much better it made them feel.

Recently some guy took a pair of soccer boots from the soccer cage and lost A BOOT after he finished playing. It costs about 100 dollars and he only wanted to pay the owner 50 because he only lost one sde of the boot. Obviously that is ridiculous and unacceptable to many because there's no way to buy ONE boot, but the owner decided to settle for it. Many were quite angry about it and felt that we had to stand up for a teammate who had just been taken advantage of. I felt that way too at first. After a while I decided that I shouldn't encourage him to demand the full $100 compensation if he was willing to setle for $50. I mean it's always a good thing to show mercy right? And I don't think he'll regret it. So i'll feel proud of him that he had it in him to show mercy and not demand full compensation at his own expense(literally).

M@D camp is taking more of my time than I expected. I'm missing the sunday time that I hav with virus because of it. Oh well I'll see it through and take it as an experience. Haven't really broken the ice in the committee at least not for me since I don't know so many people there and so many people there know so many other people there. ok take a moment to absorb that. I kind of only got carmen and pauline to talk to at the moment =S oh well it's only the second meeting. I'm doing a publicity announcement this saturday, kind of excited.

I am so jeaslous of the j2s who have finished their A lvls


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