Sunday, November 13, 2005


Oh my gawd, I just have to blog about this. I just woke up from the best dream ever. Normally dreams are limited to like scenes but this one actually had a plot, like a movie running through my head. The plot was great too. It's so not a wet dream though there were bed scenes but just like in the movies, these scenes were rather censored. The best part about it is that I didn't wake up when the dream had reached a climax(no sexual connotation intended) but I continued dreaming haha. The coolest part was evacuation of the country. It had to be done in a fantasy-island-slide way where we grab a mat and lie on our bellies and slid like 20km to the place we're supposed to go to. A very long version of fantasy-island slides haha. I shan't divulge the plot maybe I'll become a director or something next time muahahah.

So I've been playing a lot of soccer lately. The team's got a new coach who is, I wouldn't say better yet, but completely different from the previous one. He's 47 and can still play better than any one of us in the team. Ex-national player, so whatever the previous coach could only tell us, he can show us. His comments are much more clever and to the point and he seems like a nice guy. He says he doesn't believe in 100 miles per hour football but instead we should control the game slowly. I'm not sure about that though. A division is spoiler footbll. You have to be fitter and stronger. It's proven since the champion teams always have out of this world fitness levels. Plus I don't think half a year is enough for schoolboys to know how to control a game so well that we don't have to chiong all the time.

Haven't really met up with some people this holidays and surprisingly I'm refering to people in my school. haha. Oh well, at least they're in my school.

Looking at all the ns guys in church and around me, I'm kind of scared really. It's not NS that I'm afraid of but it's that they all seem to have become adults once they get out of JC. I don't want to get out of JC. I want to remain in my 17-18 year old prime forever. I'm not ready for the next phase of life but it's not in my control to stop it from happening. I'm afraid that I might lose a part of me permanently. It's quite hard to put into words so if you don't understand, TOO BAD.

Right, england won. Damn

Ok time for sunday soccer.


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