Tuesday, July 12, 2005

All time low

EEFF yeah so I got an E for lit.this is disgusting.

School is seriously pointless. Why do we have to waste our youth on this? It is so damn stupid. I've never believed in cliche shit like you have a lot of time to enjoy in the future. I mean what's there to enjoy when you're like past your teenage prime. Getting stressed out so badly about work and trying to keep up with competition from everyone. It is so tiring. I hate singapore.

Think it and say it yea everybody does that but in the end I'll still be stuck in this bullshit of a system I'd better get past my period of low-ness and starting bouncing back.In sports studies friendships and everything. Parents-teacher meeting coming up soon I am damn stressed by it I really wish i don't have parents sometimes.

Sorry for disorganisation of this piece I'm just as messed up as this entry is.

I hate getting put down especially when it is something that I know I can do reasonably well.I swear I'm going to take a place in the lineup.

I've had enough of backstab talk already. it is so ironic to be saying someone is a backstabber behind their back and sometimes I feel i am just being used for a source of information. I am all ready to let everything out confrontation style.

I am going to bounce back with or without you god. I've been thinking human life is meaningful only because it is limited and we want to make the best of every moment why then would i want eternal life? The choice of accepting christ and thus getting eternal life is therefore more of a choice influenced by the push factor of having to go to hell. maybe there should be an inbetween where u get to live without ultimate "joy" yet also without ultimate suffering.

kelly:eh u got selective hearing now issit?
me: huh?

i need to get a study partner.


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