Sunday, July 10, 2005

of late

so I was supposed to finish up math and physics tutorials over the weekend but got caught up in some stuff that took up the whole of my mind not to mention heart.

Went back to rv to see mdm mak off it's funny how half a year ago I was the biggest pest in her class and then now we're talking like we've been friends for years.oh well I was after all one of her few A1s.

I went to cell this week supposed to have the merge with another cell but i's postponed to next week. So yeah the merge was the main issue and honestly I'm not for it. I've seen the other cell and they don't look all too friendly. ok then comes all the we-should-make-the-best-out-of-it and the u-cannot-expect-everyone-to-be-as-sociable-as-you lines. Fine. but right now I have too much on my mind and homework list to have any energy left to take up this responsibility(see what this is to me?) of being extra nice and friendly and make friends, so they'd better make things easy for me by opening up like a vagina with a baby coming out otherwise I would really feel well, fucked.

So I got fucked during training for allowing the ball to bounce before i took it down what the coach did was really humiliating but honestly I'm not affected. Normally I would be but right now training isn't exactly on the top of my priorities.This is so sad it's like going in a what-could-be-worse-than-this direction. I don't even care if I play the next friendly.maybe it'll be better if I don't.

For terms I got EFF for chem maths and physics respectively and an on the dot pass for GP. Waiting for lit and even if it's bad i guess I won't really be bothered..numb

second best.That kind of sums up my life.


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