Sarah Yang, a guest speaker who came to church recently shared about her project on the ark and how God was opening the floodgates of heaven, very literally. The bay area in california NEVER EVER SNOWED and it snowed. She gave a whole host of other evidence and an account of angel visitations. There was so much which matched the stuff in the story of noah's ark and she said God told her that the flood was coming to asia.
I turned on the news just now and indonesia hd some tsunami alert, china's flooding and there's some shit in korea too. And everywhere around the world, rain water levels have risen. Yeah it's scary but it's a real wake up call. Everything we have and want can just disappear in one instant if another tsunami really comes. In fact, the last one only missed us because sumatra blocked us. And if indonesia goes first it'd only be a matter of time we'd be finding nemo as well.
I hate drifting. And the part that I hate most about it is when the other person doesn't even realise it. I've already made it clear time and time again it's ridiculous to drift when everyone is an sms or a call away. So sometimes I really think you don't really care anymore. I was going to say so do I, but I know it's not true and that's what sucks the most.
Where do you want to be when the waves come crashing down? In the arms of a loved one or fighting till the very last breath? There's a non-reproducable kind of romance in spending the night with someone with the knowledge that the sun would not rise tomorrow. It's like front row tickets to armagaddon, for real. Grab your pop corn and pick a spot :)